Publication Plan
Font of
name: Native? Rosewood?
of publication: Monthly
Price: £2.95
W.H.Smiths, most newsagents, Waitrose
Rationale: (what is the thinking behind the magazine - have you
identified a gap in the market?)
identified a gap in the market?)
Style: Indie/rock- Mostly dark with a few bright colours from fonts/pictures
content: Tour/festivals dates, reviews,
interviews from bands, latest fashions
content in your issue: Popular musician, middle of
second tour, just released new tour dates and it has been rumoured that she is
headlining at Reading next year
House style: The font for the title will be big, and bold but will be different from
subheadings and article. The article might be in Times New Roman or Calisto MT. The subheadings will be in a similar font, and will be smaller than the
headings. They might be bold of in italics.
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