Monday, 25 February 2013

Final Draft

This is the final draft for my music magazine. I am pleased with the final outcome of my magazine and I feel that I have learnt a lot since beginning my preliminary task, my first draft of my music magazine to my final draft. I feel that my final draft is a lot better than my previous drafts. I feel that it has more features of a magazine, the pictures are better edited, the cover lines on the front cover have more of an impact and overall, it looks more realistic as a music magazine.
However, improvements that I would make would be to have more cover lines on the front cover, and less white space. Also to make the contents page look more appealing and colourful and also to have less white space on the DPS.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

2nd Draft

Front Cover
For my second draft, I decided to change the picture on the front cover, as I felt that the picture I used on my first draft, didn't take up enough of the page to be the focus and that it didn't fit the genre of the magazine. I decided to keep the picture and the cover lines, as they are basic features of a magazine. However, I felt that although the picture on the front took up more space, there was still too much white space and there needed to be a background, so I decided to add some flowers, to link to the 'Kara Coleman' issue, and to add more colour to the magazine. However, there picture has obviously been badly edited as there is still a chequered background from editing it on Photoshop. As I was using a different version of Indesign, I was unable to use the font 'Native'. This means that the title lacks impact and does not look realistic for the cover of a music magazine.

Contents Page
I made no changes to my contents page, except for the font that the 'Support Acts' subtitle was in. This was for the same version, that the font was not available. Although I felt that the contents page was still very plain and there was a lot of white space, I felt it was important to focus on the front cover and double page spread for my second draft.

Double Page Spread
For the DPS, I decided to break up the text on the first page, and add another picture of 'Kara Coleman' This was so that the page didn't look so unappealing and also, as in most magazine articles, they have a picture of the person/group they are interviewing. I tried to make it look as realistic as possible by adding a caption to the picture. On the second page for the DPS, I decided to carry on the interview to take up some of the white space, and use the picture I had previously used for my front cover as an extra picture for the interview. I also decided to use the same background from the front cover for the DPS to show that the background is specific to this person and issue.