Thursday, 31 January 2013

31st January 2013

Today I decided that I wanted to completely change the front cover for my magazine.

This was my previous front cover:

I decided that I wanted to change the picture on my front cover as there was too much white space, and I thought that the picture should take up more space, however when i tried to make the picture bigger, it didn't look good or how I wanted it to look.

So in today's lesson, i picked another picture and edited it using Adobe photoshop.

First, I used the magic eraser to take away a majority of the background. Then, When i had to edit the background away fron the hair, I found that simply zooming in and using a normal eraser tool took a lot of time that I didnt have. I decided to try the background eraser tool. This meant that i could click on the area that i wanted to erase, and it would erase everything in the surround area that was the same colour. However, the difference between the backgrounf colour and the colour of my model's hair, was not that different when zoomed in, so i had to change the tolerance to a lower percentage.

This is the new picture that I will use for my front cover, as I can make it bigger so the Cover will not have as much white space, it will be clear that she is the mair article, and it will look more like a real music magazine cover.
There is still some greay are that i need to erase from her hair on the right hand side of the picture, before i can use it for the cover.

Monday, 28 January 2013

1st Draft!

This the first draft for my music magazine.
Front Cover
I have chosen to use the font 'Native' for the title as I think it suits the genre of the magazine well, in that the magazine is a gigs and festival based music magazine, and the font resembles the font that a headline act for a gig or festival might be written in. I have also chosen to make it a redish colour, that will run throughout the whole magazine, as the main colour, as it is a similar colour the girls' hair on the front cover. I have added a barcode, date, price and website address to make it more realistic as a magazine. There is another picture on the front cover as well and more coverlines. However, there is A LOT OF WHITE SPACE, which I will fill with a background.
Contents Page
For the contents page, I have decided to have a sub-headline saying 'Support Acts' as I think it works well with the theme of the magazine. I have included the basic features for a contents page, in that there are pictures, with corresponding page numbers. There is a list of articles included in the magazine and the page numbers that link to them, and also the magazine website and page numbers. However, again, there is a lot of white space. I also added a 'Next Month' box, as I have seen many magazines that advertise what will be in next month's issue to entice the reader to carry on buying the magazine. I decided to put a box behind it, using the main magazine colour, to one, make it stand out and two, to link it back to the magazine itself.
Double Page Spread
For the first page of my double spread, I decided to put all the interview on one page and have the second page for a picture of 'Kara Coleman'. I chose to have 'Kara Coleman' in the biggest font at the top of the page, to show that it is the main article, and put it on a red box, magazine to make it a point of interest on the page and also to link it back to my magazine. I have the basic format for a magazine interview, in that there is an intro to the interview, and that the questions and answers are distinguishable. However, the page looks quite boring so I will add a picture of 'Kara Coleman' to break up the text.
The second page of the double page spread, is very plain, and it looks likes things have just been placed there randomly. It does not look like a page in a magazine article. The 'Would you Rahter' section, overlaps the picture and because of the colour of the text, it is hard to read. I will add more text and possible a different picture to this page.