This was my previous front cover:
I decided that I wanted to change the picture on my front cover as there was too much white space, and I thought that the picture should take up more space, however when i tried to make the picture bigger, it didn't look good or how I wanted it to look.
So in today's lesson, i picked another picture and edited it using Adobe photoshop.
First, I used the magic eraser to take away a majority of the background. Then, When i had to edit the background away fron the hair, I found that simply zooming in and using a normal eraser tool took a lot of time that I didnt have. I decided to try the background eraser tool. This meant that i could click on the area that i wanted to erase, and it would erase everything in the surround area that was the same colour. However, the difference between the backgrounf colour and the colour of my model's hair, was not that different when zoomed in, so i had to change the tolerance to a lower percentage.
This is the new picture that I will use for my front cover, as I can make it bigger so the Cover will not have as much white space, it will be clear that she is the mair article, and it will look more like a real music magazine cover.
There is still some greay are that i need to erase from her hair on the right hand side of the picture, before i can use it for the cover.